The number of people who call themselves ‘Agile coach’ has exploded in recent years. For Gladwell Academy, reason enough to step up and build a platform for knowledge exchange in this diverse discipline. First order of business: the first Agile Coach Conference on 15 May ’20. A place to meet and become immersed in the profession. Chairwoman Renate Cremer, experienced trainer of Agile coaches, dives into the agenda. 

Why an Agile Coach Conference?

“With Agile ways of working being embraced by large corporate multinationals, the need for Agile coaches grows. As a blend of internal consultant, guru, fire fighter, this average coach has little problems with the diversity of their role. For most of them it’s probably part of what it means to practice Agility, really.”

“Still, I think it’s important for us Agile coaches to breed reliability and clarity – by reflecting on our work, by exchanging practices and by building our common identity. If not for us to grow as professionals, then for our stakeholders to recognize our importance and grow their expectations.”

“Which kinds of coach are there? Who has which kinds of expertise, competencies and capabilities? And from a what’s-in-it-for-me perspective? How do you make yourself stand out as an Agile coach? How do you get the ear of management? The rest of the agenda, we’re letting the coaches themselves fill it in by listening to what they have to say. We’re just creating platform, but the conversation is for the coaches themselves to have.”

First speakers confirmed

“A big reason to show up at such events is the speakers. We’re proud to announce that Brian Kemble is coming; he’s an experienced Agile Coach at Also, David Binnerts from Shell is likely to present from his experience. We’re currently speaking with many other potential speakers: both based on their personal expertise and on their specific context, from leading organisations in widely ranged industries: travel, retail, oil, governmental organisations, health care, and more.”

Who should visit?

“While the focus of the event is on ‘accessing the C-Suite’ so mostly enterprise level coaching, we encourage any Agile coach who wants to enhance their game to join us. If you’re an Agile coach interested in sharing stories, gaining new knowledge and insights, networking and developing your skills at an enterprise level…this is the event for you.”

Become a part of the conversation

The Agile coach conference will be on May 15th, 2020 at Spaces Zuid-As in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. A single-day event packed with expert knowledge, case studies, workshops, networking, new ideas and more… don’t miss out on your chance to become a part of the conversation surrounding Agile coaches and gain the newest insights into what’s happening in the Agile environment.

Ticket sales have opened today, so be sure to get yours here!